“I must see new things and investigate them. I want to taste dark water and see crackling trees and wild winds.” ― Egon SchieleAustrian painter Egon SchieleAustrian painter Egon Schiele (1890 – 1918) was one of the leading figures of Austrian Expressionism. He is famous for his fluid drawing style depicting twisted and distorted bodies and raw sexuality. As early as in his teenage years, his formidable talents fully matured as a protégé of Gustav Klimt. In 1907, Klimt had become Egon’s mentor and they developed More (1890 – 1918) was one of the leading figures of Austrian ExpressionismExpressionism in Austria developed largely independently, but simultaneously with the German counterpart movement. In both countries, artists shared commonalities such as a deep engagement with Symbolism as part of a legacy of Northern European humanism. While German modernist artists began exploring foreign developments, which had superseded Symbolism and Art Nouveau, Austrians remained focused on these older elements. Egon Schiele, The More. He…